The company commence business in 2013 and registered name Swiss Scents Enterprise based in Malaysia and main activities are as Importer, Distributor & Wholesaler.

The products is best selected and recommended by Swiss Arabian Perfume

Please call us for more details or place orders as well

Swiss Arabian Perfume Official FB Page




Our History

The history of Swiss Arabian is an enchanting tale that spans over 40 years. This pioneer in Arabian perfumes was founded in the year 1974 by Mr. Hussein Adam Ali, a visionary young man from Yemen with a wealth of knowledge and a deep passion for perfumery.

Over the following years, the Swiss Arabian Perfumes Group grew from strength to strength. The company was enriched by its association with Givaudan SA, one of the world's largest and most respected manufacturers of exclusive perfume ingredients.

Today, Swiss Arabian is the first perfume manufacturer in the UAE. We operate five modern manufacturing facilities spread across an area of 165,000 sq. ft., producing more than 35 million perfumes annually and export to over 80 countries

Our Vision

To help every individual find their unique Perfect Mix of fragrances.

Our Mission

To create the Perfect Mix of fragrances, by applying our heritage and technical expertise to blend authentic ingredients from the East and the West

Swiss Arabian Perfume Official Website




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